Eligibility For Hospice Care

Eligibility For Hospice Care

To begin hospice care, patients must meet the hospice eligibility requirements established by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. While there are no specific number of symptoms that are required when qualifying for hospice, these general guidelines may help determine if a patient’s condition is, or will soon be, an appropriate fit for hospice care.

Eligibility For Hospice Care

eligibility for hospice care

Eligibility For Hospice Care

Eligibility For Hospice Care

There are also specific hospice eligibility criteria to consider based on the patient’s primary diagnosis. Choosing from the list of diseases below will let you read the applicable requirements for hospice care.

Financial requirements for hospice are:

Please note:

Co-morbidities, the presence of two or more chronic diseases or conditions at the same time, are also a factor to consider in qualifying for hospice.

If you have any doubts about whether you or your loved one have met the requirements for hospice care, please contact us.

Who can contact or ask for hospice services?

Contact Nevada Hospice Care as soon as possible. If you’re not sure whether hospice is the right choice, we can help. Families are provided with the resources they need to realize what to anticipate as the conditions of their loved one’s advance.

What is to be expected?

When a doctor has confirmed that a life expectancy is six months or fewer, you might be considered for hospice. You are always entitled to change your mind and go back to curative therapy should you believe it’s the best choice for you or your loved one. You can also be referred to the hospital for other forms of care, as long as the treatment is not linked to the condition of the hospice care, and the therapy includes enhancing the quality of life.