Is It Time For Hospice Care?

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Is it time for hospice care?

When is the appropriate moment to contemplate hospice?

Hospice care treatment offers patients care at a difficult moment in their lives. Patients will often come to terms with their condition faster by reminiscing memories, past decisions made, as well as saying their goodbyes, and getting their final affairs in order. All this will allow more time to concentrate on their quality of life towards the end and put energy into their loved ones.

So, is it time for hospice care? When a patient progresses, an optimally orchestrated hospice treatment plan can often relieve the nursing staff, patients, and relatives. The difficulties of these ongoing emergencies, pain, and of all the challenges associated with the conditions and circumstances of the disease can become grossly overwhelming. Asking the following questions may help decide if it is time for hospice.

Answering These Questions May Help:

1. Does the patient experience any of these life-limiting diseases or conditions?

According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, the most common disease and conditions associated with hospice care are:

Other conditions include but not limited to:

Clinicians: Check disease-specific guidelines for hospice eligibility

2. Is the individual or loved one displaying symptoms or signs of decline?

The following are prominent signs that maybe it’s time for hospice:

3. Have you considered the patients’ wishes?

When asking that important question, “Is it time for hospice care” consider the most valuable opionion in the room, the patient.  Have you had a discussion with the patient? Are you taking into consideration the time they have left? Are you doing this for you or for them?  Maybe its time you sat down and had that discussion about their end-of-life.

We are more inclined to speak to our children about sex and drugs than we are to talk to our elders about end-of-life treatment. We often go into denial and start convincing ourselves that it’s too early until one day it occurs to us that it’s too late.

Patients’ expectations regarding end-of-life care can be written out clearly and conveniently in an advanced directive involving a living will and a continuing power of attorney.  In an advance directive, a patient will make it clear the specific treatments or measures that should or should not be followed. This will allow the hospice team to draw up a care plan that meets the desires and wishes of the patients while concentrating on the quality of time left.


Experts claim that the best approach to encouraging people to think about your end-of-life treatment is to bring it up yourself. They recommend that you begin the decision-making process by asking yourself the following “what if” questions:

If you had a fatal condition, what would you do?

What if you weren’t able to make your own decisions?

Who would you put in charge of your medical decisions?

When Should You Have “The Conversation”

Beginning “The conversation” is critical. Speak to your loved ones often, keeping the conversation light-hearted yet sincere. Make sure your wishes are known regarding your desires and try not to wait for the topic to pop up, because more than likely, it will not.

Consider utilizing landmark events — weddings, baptisms, divorces, education, downsizing, and family vacation— to have the “what if” discussions. Keep it sweet but sincere. You may be surprised by having your loved ones know your preferences may contribute to an honest conversation with them about your end-of-life concerns.

Do Not Wait For The Crisis

A century earlier, mortality occurred in our homes. Anything you could do to keep yourself alive was contained in your doctor’s small black bag. Today modern science has made it possible to prolong death even further in life. But at what expense?

Get a discussion going, and don’t wait for an issue to emerge. Deciding to leave your health care options open and uncertain will contribute to anxiety, suffering, and potentially unwanted expenses should you become debilitated. You have the power to help your family and loved ones by eliminating guesswork, make your opinions known.

Starting The Conversation

Have the conversation, and don’t wait for a crisis. Initiate the conversation; chances are if you are reading this, there is a reason for it.  Have the conversation soon, if not today.  Putting off something so important can be disastrous and even more stressful than it is now.  Trying bringing up a light-hearted conversation, at dinner, or possibly on the phone. Its never the perfect time for hospice care chats, just know it needs to be done sooner than later.

Involve Your Loved Ones

Speak to your loved ones frequently, gently, and, in-depth but be serious about your desires. Try to make it brief; long conversations can get uncomfortable. More so, do not wait for the topic to come up; take charge of the conversation. Include your entire family in the dialogue. If there is any sort of opposition, take a break but go back to the subject; it may be more comfortable the next go around. Include a personal counselor or a relative if this would make things more comfortable.

Hospice Care Questions To Consider:

When the prognosis is six months or less, the doctor might have already referred the patient to hospice. If you are ready, here are several end-of-life treatment issues you may consider which could help how you speak to your doctor regarding hospice:

Will your doctor endorse your decision if you eventually choose hospice? Is he оr ѕhе gоіng tо bе уоur рrіmаrу care рrоvіdеr and rіdе wіth you on this jоurnеу?
Is your doctor willing to follow your guidelines if you have an advanced directive? Whether the doctor goes against the will, particularly for religious or contractual purposes, he or she is not legally obliged to do so.
Ask how the problems will be treated and how the discomfort will be handled. Speak regarding the connection between pain management and alertness. Iѕ уоur dосtоr rеѕресtful оf еnсоurаgіng you to decide how much раіn mеdісаtіоn оr sedation іѕ ѕuffісіеnt?
Discuss the idea of “quality of life” with the doctor. What’s most important to you? How would your doctor help you add purpose to your life?
When you are unable to make a choice, would your doctor respect your appeal as expressed or recorded by a family member or health care professional? Bе sure уоu hаvе аn advance dіrесtіvе, ѕuсh аѕ a living will, and a lаѕtіng роwеr оf аttоrnеу regarding trеаtmеnt issues. This will layout your desires if you аrе ever unаblе tо speak or communicate.


How to get started:

Is it time for hospice?  If yes know that selecting a hospice puts you and your family in control of the end-of-life process.  The faster a family can make this decision, the faster we can help that patient feel more comfortable.  Know hospice is not the end, and more often than not patients’ live longer and better with hospice assistance.

You can make the right decisions with your loved ones regarding your treatment, whether for the future or right now. This is the reason Nevada Hospice Care offers this complimentary Hospice Patient Guide to assist you with all on the arrangements that would be perfect in helping you.

Formulating a plan:

If you have answered that question, “Is it time for hospice care” then its time to move forward with a plan. If the patient is unable to take part in the discussion due to their prolonged state of the illness, family and others who care for the patient will always make arrangements about what happens next. First things first, does the patient have an advanced directive and living will?  If not, the family will have to come up with what they feel the patient would want.

It’s hard work, not everyone will аgrее оn what іѕ bеѕt. Nevertheless, it is crucial to concentrate on the better interests and beliefs of the patient. The resolution would offer peace of mind to everyone.

is it time for hospice

Share hospice with your family:

So you have answered that much dreaded question, “Is it time for hospice care” now, how are you planning to spend the last few months of life? That’s a big issue, and one you ought to speak to your family about.

Optimally, the discussion starts when everyone is healthy, asking “what if …” questions. You might think about stuff like:

An advance directive is a written document that outlines the kind of treatment you want and those you don’t wish to at the end of life. Jotting down your wishes gives your loved ones the resources needed to decide informedly.